Application process

This program offers students applying for a student visa the opportunity to experience our inclusive school culture, first-class teaching and learning, gain high-level English language skills, and experience an Australian lifestyle.

Students may apply to complete their secondary education in a NSW government school or for up to 2 years of study in primary school.

Students who successfully complete their studies in Year 12 are awarded a Higher School Certificate (HSC) and an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).

From 26 March 2020, we no longer accept manual application forms.

You will need to complete an online application, ensuring that all questions are answered. You must provide a residential address and email address for your parents.

Attach the following documents to your application:

  • a certified and translated copy of your passport or birth certificate
  • the relevant welfare requirement form:
  1. If you are nominating a direct relative as carer – complete a Direct Relative Nomination form – provide a certified copy of the carer’s passport or visa if they do not have an Australian passport
  2. If you are nominating a distant relative or close family friend for approval as carer – complete a Parent Nomination for Homestay form - provide a certified copy of the carer’s passport or visa if they do not have an Australian passport
  3. If your parent will be your carer on a guardian visa – complete a Parent Declaration for Guardian Visa Applicants form - provide a certified copy of your parent’s passport
  4. If you are requesting a homestay placement – complete a Homestay Information for Parents form
  • a certified copy of your school reports for the last two years. If these are not in English then please also provide certified English translations. You must have maintained an ongoing enrolment in a mainstream school, not a vocational school
  • if you are applying for direct entry into high school then please provide one of the following:
  • evidence you have been studying for a minimum of 2 years in a school where all subjects (except languages) are taught in English
  • a recognised English language test result e.g. IELTS, TOEFL iBT*,, AEAS, Step Eiken
  • if you are currently studying at another education provider in Australia then please provide:
  1. a copy of each of the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from your current provider or CoEs from all your providers if you have a package of courses
  2. a copy of the Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) from your provider or providers, if your provider is approving your living arrangements
  3. English language course progress reports (if you are studying intensive English)
  4. A copy of your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) membership card.

Students are encouraged to submit applications through an education agent registered with DE International who can assist with preparing your documents for application and the complex visa application process. Some students may be required by DE International to submit their application through one of these agents.

*TOEFL iBT tests completed between 26 July 2023 and 4 May 2024 will not be accepted. TOEFL iBT was not an approved test during this period.

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Your application will be assessed against eligibility requirements for the level of schooling you have applied for:

  • Age appropriateness
  • Maintained enrolment in a mainstream school
  • Good passing grades in the main academic subjects
  • Living arrangements and nominated carer
  • English language skills for direct entry applicants.

Genuine Temporary Entrant

DE International will also assess your application against the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement, which is set by the Department of Home Affairs. This is an integrity measure used by the Department of Home Affairs in its assessment of student visa applications to ensure that the visa will be used for study purposes only and to verify a genuine intention to stay in Australia temporarily.

If all required documentation and information have been provided and you have met all eligibility requirements DE International will contact your nominated school and its associated IEC (if required) to confirm your placement.

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Once your school and IEC have been confirmed, DE International issues a letter of offer, confirming:

  • the school and IEC you have been accepted at
  • the course dates
  • total course fees
  • conditions of offer
  • the expiry date for the offer.

You will also receive an invoice for fees required on your first instalment payment including fees for:

  • IEC (if applicable)
  • school tuition
  • homestay placement and airport transfer (if applicable)
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (optional).

If you have requested a close friend or distant relative to be approved as carer then DE International will arrange for a registered homestay company to contact your nominated carer to begin police screening and home inspection procedures.

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You and your parents will need to:

  • Sign the offer acceptance page of your offer letter
  • Return all pages of the offer letter, including the offer acceptance page, to DE International
  • Make payment of fees outlined in the invoice you received with your offer letter.

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DE International issue a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), for the courses you have accepted. If you have requested a homestay placement or for a distant relative or close family friend to be approved as carer then a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) form will also be issued to you.

Your homestay placement request will also be referred to a homestay company to begin finding a suitable family for you. The homestay company will ask you to indicate any preferences and allergies you may have, which they will do their best to accommodate.

NOTE: A CoE and CAAW will not be issued until your distant relative or close family friend has passed DE International’s police screening and home inspection requirements.

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Apply online for your student visa through the the Department of Home Affairs website using your CoE and CAAW. Full details on student visa application requirements can be found at the Department of Home Affairs website.

An education agent is highly recommended for this process as it is very complex and applications from certain countries require substantially more documentation and background checks.

During peak periods the Department of Home Affairs may take up to 3 months to process your visa application. You will also need to have been issued a student visa before you can enrol at school so make sure to allow for visa processing times when planning your visa application.

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You’ve received your visa and booked your flights. Your homestay details have also been sent to you. It’s time to start preparing!

Your education agent will help you to understand:

  • the NSW climate and the types of clothing you will need to bring with you
  • cultural differences
  • how the NSW government school system differs from your own
  • things to do during your stay.

Read more about the program

Our Study Abroad program is a wonderful opportunity for high school students to study in a NSW government school, stay with a family in a ‘homestay’ and experience a unique Australian lifestyle. You can choose a school in a coastal, rural or urban setting and study from 3 months to 1 year.

From 26 March 2020, we no longer accept manual application forms.

You will need to complete an online application, ensuring that all questions are answered. You must provide a residential address and email address for your parents.

Attach the following documents to your application:

  • a certified and translated copy of your passport or birth certificate
  • the relevant welfare requirement form:
    • If you are requesting a homestay placemen - complete a Homestay Information for Parents form
  • If you are nominating a distant relative or close family friend for approval as carer
    • complete a Parent Nomination for Homestay form - provide a certified copy of the carer’s passport or visa if they do not have an Australian passport
  • If you are nominating a direct relative as carer
    • complete a Direct Relative Nomination form - provide a certified copy of the carer’s passport or visa if they do not have an Australian passport
  • If your parent will be your carer on a guardian visa
    • complete a Parent Declaration for Guardian Visa Applicants form - provide a certified copy of your parent’s passport
  • a certified copy of your school reports for the last two years. If these are not in English then please also provide certified English translations.
  • provide one of the following to demonstrate evidence of English proficiency:
    • evidence you have been studying for a minimum of 2 years in a school where all subjects (except languages) are taught in English
    • English teacher’s recommendation letter – Brochures and forms

Students are encouraged to submit applications through an education agent registered with DE International who can assist with preparing your documents for application and the complex visa application process.

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Your application will be assessed against eligibility requirements for the level of schooling you have applied for:

  • Age appropriateness
  • Good passing grades in the main academic subjects
  • Living arrangements and nominated carer.

Genuine Temporary Entrant

DE International will also assess your application against the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement, which is set by the Department of Home Affairs. This is an integrity measure used by the Department of Home Affairs in its assessment of student visa applications to ensure that the visa will be used for study purposes only and to verify a genuine intention to stay in Australia temporarily.

If all required documentation and information have been provided and you have met all eligibility requirements DE International will contact your nominated school to confirm your placement.

Read more about the program

Once your school has been confirmed, DE International issues a letter of offer, confirming:

  • the school you have been accepted at
  • the course dates
  • total course fees
  • conditions of offer
  • the expiry date for the offer.

You will also receive an invoice for fees required on your first instalment payment including fees for:

  • school tuition
  • homestay placement and airport transfer (if applicable)
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (optional).

If you have requested a close friend or distant relative to be approved as carer then DE International will arrange for a registered homestay company to contact your nominated carer to begin police screening and home inspection procedures.

Read more about the program

You and your parents will need to:

  • Sign the offer acceptance page of your offer letter
  • Return all pages of the offer letter, including the offer acceptance page, to DE International
  • Make payment of fees outlined in the invoice you received with your offer letter.

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DE International issue a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), for the courses you have accepted. If you have requested a homestay placement or for a distant relative or close family friend to be approved as carer then a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) form will also be issued to you.

Your homestay placement request will also be referred to a homestay company to begin finding a suitable family for you. The homestay company will ask you to indicate any preferences and allergies you may have, which they will do their best to accommodate.

NOTE: A CoE and CAAW will not be issued until your distant relative or close family friend has passed DE International’s police screening and home inspection requirements.

Read more about the program

Apply online for your student visa through the Department of Home Affairs website using your CoE and CAAW. Full details on student visa application requirements can be found at Department of Home Affairs website.

An education agent is highly recommended for this process as it is very complex and applications from certain countries require substantially more documentation and background checks.

During peak periods the Department of Home Affairs may take up to 2 months to process your visa application. You will also need to have been issued a student visa before you can enrol at school so make sure to allow for visa processing times when planning your visa application.

Read more about the program

You’ve received your visa and booked your flights. Your homestay details have also been sent to you. It’s time to start preparing!

Your education agent will help you to understand:

  • the NSW climate and the types of clothing you will need to bring with you
  • cultural differences
  • how the NSW government school system differs from your own
  • things to do during your stay.

Read more about the program

Our Study Tours program offers groups of overseas students and adults a unique educational experience that includes visiting schools, participating in classes, school activities and special events conducted in the school or local community.

There are two different types of Study Tours – Student Groups and Adult Groups and each tour can be tailored to the interests and needs of each group.

Apply to become a Study Tours operator if not already registered.

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Submit an application and itinerary (if already registered). Receive quote from Study Tours team.

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Accept a quote and advise Study Tours team to proceed with booking.

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Pay deposit invoice.

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Liaise with host school once confirmation is received from Study Tours team.

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Provide final numbers.

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Provide name list or visitor profiles.

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Pay final invoice.

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Receive homestay matching (if applicable) and itinerary from host school.

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Provide accompanying adult emergency contact details.

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The Temporary Residents program gives advice and support to enrol temporary residents into NSW government schools.

The program accepts enrolment in primary school and high school from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Your child will have a rich and rewarding learning experience. NSW government schools is the largest education network in Australia with over 2,200 primary and high schools offering secure, safe and dynamic learning environments.

Online application is now available We made our application process easier and faster for you. Our online application portal is now available. Paper application forms are no longer available and will not be accepted for processing. If you already lodged an application before 3 November, it will not be impacted by this change.

Access the Online Application Portal

If your child:

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Submit your application online using the Online Application Portal.

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Once the Temporary Residents Program issue an Authority to Enrol to the NSW government school, your child may begin their learning adventure!

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Your child will have a rich and rewarding learning experience from the largest education network in Australia with over 2,200 primary and high schools offering secure, safe and dynamic learning environments.

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The Secondary Student Exchange program in NSW is a state specific reciprocal program whereby students from another country are enrolled as full-time students in a NSW secondary school for a period ranging from three months (or one full school term) to one year. Under similar program conditions, students from NSW are able to enrol full-time, in a recognised course of study in an overseas country.

Student/Parents lodge application to a registered Student Exchange Organisation (SEO).

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SEO confirms school and host family’s acceptance of the exchange student.

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SEO lodge Acceptance Advice for Secondary Student Exchange (AASES) Request form to DE International with confirmation from school and host family.

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DE International issues AASES form provided the request meets the National and NSW Guidelines.

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SEO sends the AASES form to the exchange student to apply for Student Visa (subclass 500).

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SEO sends a copy of AASES form to school prior to exchange student’s enrolment day.

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Principal/authorised personnel endorse the AASES form on enrolment day and return it to SEO.

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SEO sends completed AASES form to DE International for filing.

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Not sure which is the most suitable study program? Find out more about the options.